New Conservatism: 1972-1985 Books and Films | Learn Quest Nest
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Unit XIV: New Conservatism, 1972-1999 > U.S. History > New Conservatism > Books and Films
  Latino: America's Secret War in Nicaragua (1985) Movie  Review and Guide or History Teachers   Argo (2012) Movie Review for History Teachers        
  Latino: America's Secret War in Nicaragua (1985)   Argo (2012)   Video Notes for "History Rocks! The Eighties"   Video Notes for "History Rocks! The Seventies, Part I"   Video Notes for "History Rocks! The Seventies, Part II"  
  A Fierce Green Fire (2012) Movie Review for History Teachers   Mumia: Long-Distance Revolutionary (2011) Movie Review for Teachers   Frost/Nixon (2008) Movie Review for U.S. History Teachers   Who Bombed Judi Bari? Documentary      
  A Fierce Green Fire (2012)   Mumia: Long-Distance Revolutionary (2011)   Frost/Nixon (2008)   Who Bombed Judi Bari? (Full Documentary)      
New Conservatism, 1972-1999: Books & Films New Conservatism, 1972-1999: Miscellany
New Conservatism, 1972-1999: Image Galleries New Conservatism, 1972-1999: Outlines & Powerpoints
New Conservatism, 1972-1999: Study Games New Conservatism, 1972-1999: Worksheets