Free Printable Texts - Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Historical Documents
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Complete Printable Texts/eBooks
Fiction - Nonfiction - Poetry - Historical Documents - CCSS Literature Lessons - ELA Printables
Free eBooksOur complete printable texts include classic novels, poetry sheets, short stories, and more, for students in kindergarten through high school. We also have lots of complementary worksheets for these texts, as well as stand-alone story workbooks.

Fables - These are classic fables for young children.

Fairy Tales - This is our assortment of classic fairy tales for students of lower and upper elementary school age.

Fiction/Novels - This is an assortment of longer works of fiction traditionally read byu students at the junior and senior high school level.

Historical Documents - This assortment features shorter printable historical documents, a great tool for constructing DBQs and having students work with primary sources.

Mythology - This collection looks at mythological tales from cultures around the world.

Nonfiction - These are larger nonfiction works, typically geared toward the high school scholar.

Nursery Rhymes - These are printable nursery rhymes for pre-readers and beginning readers and writers.

Poetry for Young Adults - This list of printable poems focuses on poetry typically read at the junior and senior high school level.

Poetry for Children - This is our collection of stand-alone poetry worksheets for students in lower and upper elementary. Students hone their reading skills while acquiring new vocabulary terms and practicing their handwriting and spelling.

Proverbs - These are classic proverbs for students in elementary school.

Short Stories - These short stories are geared toward students in lower and upper elementary school.

Free Printable Texts and So Much More - Poetry, prose, historical documents, eBooks, literature worksheets...
Free Printable Texts and So Much More - Poetry, prose, historical documents, eBooks, literature worksheets...