National and Sectional Conflict Books and Films | Learn Quest Nest
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United States History Educational Materials Free for Teachers and Homeschooling Parents
Unit VI: National and Sectional Conflict > U.S. History > National & Sectional Conflict > Books & Films
  Slave Catchers, Slave Resistors (History Channel, 2005)   USS Constellation: Battling for Freedom (History Channel, 2007)   The Abolitionists (PBS, 2013)        
  Slave Catchers, Slave Resisters (2005) Link to History Channel Educator Guide   USS Constellation: Battling for Freedom (2007) Link to History Channel Educator Guide   The Abolitionists (2013) Link to PBS Web Page and Teacher Resources on This Documentary   Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass      
National and Sectional Conflict Worksheets   National and Sectional Conflict Outlines & PowerPoints
National and Sectional Conflict Books & Films   National and Sectional Conflict Miscellany
National and Sectional Conflict Maps & Pictures   National and Sectional Conflict Study Games