The First Industrial Revolution PowerPoint Presentation
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First Industrial Revolution Powerpoint Presentation
Free PowerPoint Presentation for Use by Teachers and Students of World History, European History, and Global Studies - Scroll Down to View, Print, or Download
First Industrial Revolution Powerpoint Presentation for High School with Guided Student Notes

This PowerPoint presentation covers the first phase of the Industrial Revolution, focusing especially on the industrialization of Great Britain. It contains a total of 44 slides, including two slides featuring nine review questions. Select the version/format of your choice.

PPTX - 2007 version of PowerPoint (best version)

PPT - 1997-2003 version of PowerPoint (some graphics features are compromised)

PDF - Book-like format that is great for those who prefer to view and read the PowerPoint online without downloading it to a hard drive

Guided Student Notes - PDF student note-taking sheet featuring three slides per sheet, with note-taking blank lines next to the sheets

Outline - Complete text (minus graphics) of the PowerPoint (recommended for students/teachers who want a print-out of this information but also want to save on paper and ink)
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