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French Revolution Essay Questions Worksheets > World History > French Revolution > French Revolution Worksheets
French Revolution Essay Questions Worksheets - Free to print (PDF files) for high school European History or World History students.
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French Revolution Writing Exercises Handout #1: 1. Discuss the effects of the French Revolution. 2. Compare and contrast the Declaration of the Rights of Man with the U.S. Declaration of Independence. 3. Explain how the Jacobins came to, and eventually fell from, power. 4. Analyze the National Assembly, Convention, and Directory in terms of the ideas of "liberty, equality, and fraternity." Did these governments live up to this pledge? Why or why not? 5. Describe the abuses of the Old Regime in France. Click here to print.
French Revolution Writing Exercises Handout #2: 1. The French Revolution ended when a military leader--Napoleon Bonaparte--took control of the government in a coup d'etat. The people of France were so exacerbated with the corrupt mismanagement of the Directory that they were willing to return to a form of monarchy. What mistakes were made during the French Revolution that caused people to lose faith in the idea of a republic guaranteeing essential freedoms? 2. Describe four effects of the French Revolution. 3. Imagine that you are a woman, a devotee of Enlightenment ideas and advocate of women's rights, during the French Revolution. What might be your reaction to the revolutionary reforms and actions you see? 4. Many historians argue that forces of causation play a bigger role than individual people in bringing about change. For example, the long-standing problems in France would have led to changes in the government regardless of who the king and queen were or who led the revolution. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer. 5. Some historians have argued that the Reign of Terror was a necessary evil--that without it, the nobility would have regained power and restored the Old Regime. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer. Click here to print.
French Revolution Writing Exercises Handout #3: 1. Describe the economic causes of the French Revolution. 2. What role did the feudal class system play in the French Revolution? 3. In what ways did Napoleon Bonaparte's rule serve as a bridge between democracy and monarchy? Click here to print.
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