Louis IX Starting for the Crusades | Learn Quest Nest
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Louis IX Starting for the Crusades
World History > Crusades > Maps and Pictures of the Crusades
Louis IX on Crusade
Louis IX, better known as Saint Louis, starting for the Crusades. From an illuminated manuscript of the thirteenth century. St. Louis (1214 in Poissy, France-1270 in Tunis, modern-day Tunisia) became the French king at age twelve following the death of his father, Louis VIII (lived 1187-1226). Among his worthy accomplishments, Louis IX introduced the concept of the presumption of innocence in criminal trials, and banned trial by ordeal. He led the Seventh Crusade (1248-1254) in Egypt, which resulted in an Ayyubid victory. He then led the Eighth Crusade (1270) at Tunis (which resulted in another Muslim victory), where he died of dysentery. He is buried at the Basilica of Saint Denis (Basilique Saint-Denis) in Saint-Denis, France. Click here for a free printable coloring sheet featuring this image. Click here to enlarge.
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