Civil War in Ancient Rome and the End of the Roman Republic - History Workbook | Learn Quest Nest
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Civil War in Ancient Rome and the End of the Roman Republic - History Workbook
Free Printable Workbook (PDF File) for World History > Ancient Rome > Ancient Rome Miscellany
Civil War in Ancient Rome and the End of the Roman Republic - High School World History Workbook - Free to Print (PDF)
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"Civil War in Rome and the End of the Roman Republic" focuses on the civil wars between patricians and plebeians that ultimately led to the murders of the Gracchi, the rise and fall of Julius Caesar, the escapades of Mark Antony and Cleopatra, and the formation of the Roman Empire under Octavian (Augustus). This is the third of four history workbooks which together cover the complete history of ancient Rome.

Like the other titles in the World History Workbook Series, brief chunks of easy-to-read informational text are full of fascinating, important details and events that will intrigue high school students. Interspersed throughout the text are numerous questions and activities, ranging from basic recall, to critical thinking, to map work, to artistic expression, to puzzles. Learning is constantly reinforced throughout the text.

This high school history workbook is sixteen pages in length. Click here to print.
Answer Key:
  1. He wanted to limit the amount of land that each person could own, and to rebuild the Roman farming class by redistributing land
  2. Answers will vary
  3. Answers will vary
  4. Answers will vary depending upon student's country and the country's major political parties
  5. D - plebeians
  6. A - Gaius Gracchus
  7. F - redistribution
  8. H - subsidization
  9. G - Spartacus
  10. E - Populares
  11. B - Optimates
  12. C - patricians
  13. I - Tiberius Gracchus
  14. Answers will vary
  15. B - False
  16. Answers will vary
  17. A - True
  18. Answers will vary
  19. A - True
  20. B - False
  21. C - Marcus Crassus
  22. Answers will vary
  23. Pharsalus
  24. Caesarion, 47 BCE
  25. I came, I saw, I conquered.
  26. Answers will vary
  27. On the floor of the Senate house
  28. Formation of the Second Triumvirate in 43 BCE
  29. Battle of Actium (Ionian Sea, Greece)
  30. B - Gaul
  31. On map (in Italy)
  32. On map (Egypt)
  33. On map (in Judea)
  34. On map (in Egypt)
  35. Answers will vary, but should include that the Gracchi were assassinated because they wanted reform
  36. Answers will vary, but should include the fact that Rome was in repeated crises
  37. Pompey had soldiers, Marcus Crassus had money, and Julius Caesar had popularity
  38. Answers will vary, but should include crossing the Rubicon, followed by Pompey's flight to the East and ultimate defeat
  39. Answers will vary, but should include fears over Julius Caesar's immense power, followed by a power vacuum (eventually filled by Augustus) after Caesar's assassination
  40. Answers will vary, but should include the fact that Octavian was a competent leader, while Mark Antony was not
  41. Answers will vary
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