The Ancient Arameans - PowerPoint | Learn Quest Nest
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The Ancient Arameans PowerPoint
The Ancient Arameans - PowerPoint presentation with guided student notes.
"The Arameans" PowerPoint Presentation
This brief PowerPoint contains five slides.  Select the format that works best for you.
PPT - This version is in Microsoft PowerPoint 1997-2003 format. Some of the graphics may look a bit wocky.
PPTX - This version is in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 format. It is the best version.
PDF - This version features each slide of the presentation as a separate .pdf page. It is best for those who want to read and/or print the presentation straight from the web without downloading the PowerPoint file.
Guided Student Notes - This .pdf features three slides per sheet, with blank lines next to the slides so that students can take notes. Be forewarned that, because the slides are shrunken in order to fit three on each sheet, some of the text may be difficult to read.
Click here for this PowerPoint in printable outline format.
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