When Peter Rabbit Went to School - eBook | Learn Quest Nest
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When Peter Rabbit Went to School
Free Printable eBook with Worksheet - Scroll Down to Print (PDFs) - eBooks - Short Stories
Click here to print or download a free eBook (PDF format) of Linda Stevens Almond's When Peter Rabbit Went to School, published in 1921. This version features no illustrations, to save on printer ink costs. There are ten total pages, which can be printed as five double-sided sheets.

When Peter Rabbit Went to School by Linda Stevens Almond - Free printable eBook (PDF file).Excerpt:

ALL good little girls and good little boys know that Peter Rabbit lived with his Mother and his little sisters, Flopsy, and Mopsy, and Cotton-tail, under the roots of a big fir tree at the edge of a great wood. It was a splendid house; just as warm as toast in winter, and lovely and cool in summer. And, oh, my! what a happy family they were.

Flopsy, and Mopsy, and Cotton-tail were as good little rabbits as anyone would want to see, but Peter was always full of mischief. He played so many pranks, and got into so many scrapes, that old Mother Rabbit was always afraid that something dreadful might happen to him some day.

It seemed that Peter always wanted to do the very things that his Mother had forbidden him to do. She had often warned him never, never, never to go near the well in Mr. McGregor's barnyard, but one day disobedient Peter walked right over to the well and climbed up over the side to see how it looked way down deep in there. He must have leaned too far over, for all of a sudden in he went, head over heels, down, down, down!

When Peter Rabbit Went to School by Linda Stevens AlmondAnd then where do you suppose he found himself? In the well bucket, which was way down deep in the well, right on top of the water! He was frightened almost out of his wits, for when he peeped over the edge of the bucket, all he could see was the mossy sides of the well; and when he looked up, all he could see was just a tiny speck of daylight above. He crouched down in the bucket and, when he thought of his Mother and his good little sisters at home under the fir tree, he began to cry.

He must have cried himself to sleep, for after a while, when he looked up, he could barely see the speck of daylight, and so he thought it must be night. He felt dreadfully sore and cold, and he wondered if he would ever get out, and while he was wondering there was a tug at the rope, and then up went the bucket so quickly that, when it reached the top of the well, Peter was dumped right out on the ground before he could say Jack Robinson. And then -whom should he see there but Mr. McGregor!

Click here to print a handwriting practice worksheet featuring the names of some characters from the story: Peter, Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, Mr. McGregor, and Miss Hannah Hare.
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