Animal Chase Outdoor Game Instructions | Learn Quest Nest
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Animal Chase Outdoor Game Instructions > Science > Health > Exercise and Fitness > Outdoor Activities
Animal Chase Outdoor Game Instructions - Free to print (PDF file).
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Two pens are marked off in distant corners of the playground. One player, called the chaser, stands at one side of one of these pens. The other players stand within the pen that is nearest the chaser. All of the players in the pen are named for different animals, there being several players of each kind. Thus there may be a considerable number each of bears, deer, foxes, etc. The chaser calls the name of any animal he chooses as a signal for the players to run. For instance, he may call, “Bears!” whereupon all of the players who represent bears must run across to the other pen, the chaser trying to catch them.

Any player caught before reaching the opposite pen changes places with the chaser.

The particular point of difference between this and some similar chasing games is that the chaser may not know just which of the players in the pen will start out in response to the name of the animal that he calls.
Click here to print. Click here for more free printable outdoor activities with instructions and rules. > Science > Health > Exercise and Fitness > Outdoor Activities