Recojidas Jail, Havana, Cuba, 1898 | Learn Quest Nest
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Recojidas Jail, Havana
Historical Figures > Historical Figures with "C" Names > Evangelina Cisneros (1877-1970)
RECOJIDAS JAIL, HAVANA: This is the celebrated jail in which Evangelina Cisneros was imprisoned at the time of her rescue. In the upper left hand corner will be seen the aperture through which she escaped to the street. The picture also shows a group of women prisoners at the jail entrance.
RECOJIDAS JAIL, HAVANA, CUBA (1898): This is the celebrated jail in which Evangelina Cisneros was imprisoned at the time of her rescue. In the upper left hand corner will be seen the aperture through which she escaped to the street. The picture also shows a group of women prisoners at the jail entrance. Click here to enlarge.
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