How and Why to Write Thank You Notes Writing Guide for Kids - Workbook | Learn Quest Nest
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How (and Why) to Write Thank You Notes Writing Guide for Kids - Workbook > Fun Stuff > Holiday Games & Worksheets > Christmas
How (and Why) to Write Thank You Notes Writing Guide for Kids - Workbook is free to print (PDF file).
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Sadly, the traditional forms of proper etiquette and good manners are often lost in the modern world. Obsessed with cell phones, apps, email, etc., we often forget the dignity and decorum signified by something as simple as a thank-you note. Years ago, writing thank-you notes was a rite of passage. Today, many gift-givers are lucky to hear even a mumbled "thanks."

So why not let thank-you notes go the way of the dinosaur and simply disappear?
  • Writing thank-you notes teaches children to show appreciation and respect.
  • Crafting a thank-you note teaches children how to be better writers.
  • Learning the correct way to express appreciation fosters good communication and networking skills.
  • Children who have learned to write thank-you notes go on to easily and quickly write job interview thank-you notes, letters of inquiry, office memos, and more as adults.
  • Writing thank-you notes deepens the relationships between givers and recipients.
  • Learning and displaying proper manners and etiquette are crucial to everyone's social skills.
Our 13-page workbook explains everything a child (or parent) needs to know about writing thank-you notes. Numerous scenarios and examples are given, and explained in a way that children as young as seven or eight can understand. Children are given five gift scenarios and asked to craft their own responses (a "cheat sheet" with tips on what their letters should include is located on the last page of the booklet). Click here to print. This workbook is 13 pages in length.