Organizing Frequently Used Papers | Learn Quest Nest
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Organizing Frequently Used Papers
Organizing frequently used printables 
Here is an inexpensive way to organize frequently used papers. We picked up this cute magazine rack for a few dollars at Ikea. (We've also seen magazine bins at the dollar store.) The point is that you don't have to spend a fortune. The folders were cheap, too (we love clearance sales). These folders feature the once popular teen show "Gossip Girl." Don't be afraid to use stuff that your students like. It's a great icebreaker when kids go to get their stuff from a Twilight, Justin Bieber, or Transformers folder (we know these references are dated but it's hard to keep up with trends).

Create folders for the handouts that your students (and you) use most frequently. These might be daily journal sheets or standard grading rubrics. Instead of asking you for a sheet, students go to the bin which you've conveniently placed somewhere in the classroom. You might even want to create a bin like this to keep on your desk for your own frequently used papers.
Do It Cheaper:
  • In the photograph, we used a cute bin from Ikea.  But you could just as easily use an old cardboard box, a shoebox, or an old wooden drawer.  Reusing and recycling are in, so take full advantage.
  • Reuse old folders.  At the end of the year, they'll be beat-up looking no matter why spend a lot of money?
  • There's no need to waste money on expensive printer labels.  If your folders are not light enough for you to write directly on them, write the subject of the folder on a piece of paper, then tape or glue the paper to the folder.
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