June - Today in History Calendar | Learn Quest Nest
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June Calendar: Today in History
1792 - Kentucky became a U.S. state.
1796 - Tennessee became a U.S. state.
1980 - Cable News Network (CNN) was launched.
1924 - United States citizenship was granted to Native American Indians by the U.S. Congress.
1953 - Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.
1937 - The Duke of Windsor (previously King Edward VIII of Great Britain) and Wallis Simpson were married.
1989 - Tiananmen Square Massacre in Beijing, China.
1933 - Gold Standard abandoned by the United States.
2004 - Death of former American president, Ronald Reagan.
1844 - Founding of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in London, England.
1944 - D-Day Invasion: Allied troops landed in Normandy, France.
2002 - Department of Homeland Security proposed by U.S. President George W. Bush.
1494 - Treaty of Tordesillas was signed by Portugal and Spain.
1654 - Coronation of France's Louis XIV.
1929 - Vatican City became independent of Italy.
632 C.E. - Muhammad, Islam's prophet, died.
1861 - Tennessee seceded from the United States.
1978 - Men of African descent were first permitted to become clergy in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons).
1935 - Alcoholics Anonymous was founded.
1946 - Italy became a republic.
1509 - Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon (part of modern Spain), his first wife.
1898 - Emiliano Aguinaldo declared the Philippines' independence from Spain.
1900 - Start of China's Boxer Rebellion.
1966 - Miranda rights set forth in the Miranda v. Arizona U.S. Supreme Court decision.
Flag Day 1775 - Founding of the United States Army.
1777 - Adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the U.S. flag.
1940 - Auschwitz concentration camp was opened in Poland.
1215 - Magna Carta was sealed by England's King John.
1752 - Benjamin Franklin performed his famous experiment, tying a key to the end of a kite to verify the existence of electricity.
1836 - Arkansas became a U.S. state.
1487 - Battle of Stoke.
1775 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was mandated by the Continental Congress.
1963 - Soviet cosmonaut (astronaut) Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space.
1775 - Battle of Bunker Hill.
1944 - Iceland became independent.
1994 - O.J. Simpson's low-speed police chase was broadcast live on American television.
1815 - Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated at Waterloo.
1983 - Sally Ride became the first American woman in space.
1934 - Creation of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Juneteenth: Emancipation (or Freedom) Day honoring the end of the enslavement of African Americans.
1863 - West Virginia became a U.S. state.
1893 - Lizzie Borden was found not guilty of her parents' axe murder.
1834 - Patent granted for Cyrus McCormick's mechanical reaper, an important invention in the Agricultural Revolution and the Industrial Revolution.
1997 - Debut of the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA).
1535 - Cardinal John Fisher was executed under England's Henry VIII. 1870 - Creation of the United States Justice Department.
1944 - G.I. Bill of Rights signed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
1868 - Patent issued for Christopher Sholes's typewriter.
1509 - Coronation of England's Henry VIII.
1948 - Start of the Berlin Blockade.
1788 - Virginia became a U.S. state.
1950 - Start of the Korean War.
1819 - Patent issued for W.K. Clarkson's bicycle.
1843 - Hong Kong became a crown colony of Great Britain, a status which lasted until 1993.
2000 - Completion of the first map of the human genome.
1969 - Stonewall Incident in New York City sparked the gay rights movement.
2003 - Opening of the national Do-Not-Call Registry in the United States.
1894 - Congress declared Labor Day a federal holiday.
1914 - Assassination of Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which sparked World War I.
1919 - Treaty of Versailles formally ended World War I.
2012 - The U.S. Supreme Court announced its decision declaring the Affordable Care Act (popularly known as Obamacare) constitutional.
1767 - The Townshend Act was approved by Great Britain's Parliament.
1971 - Ratification of the 26th Amendment.