A New Coalition - Reading with Questions | Learn Quest Nest
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A New Coalition
Free Printable American History Reading with Questions for Grades 9-12 - American History Readings
In the 1936 election, Roosevelt won a decisive victory over his Republican opponent, Alf Landon of Kansas. He was personally popular, and the economy seemed near recovery. He took 60 percent of the vote and carried all but two states. A broad new coalition aligned with the Democratic Party emerged, consisting of labor, most farmers, most urban ethnic groups, African Americans, and the traditionally Democratic South. The Republican Party received the support of business as well as middle-class members of small towns and suburbs. This political alliance, with some variation and shifting, remained intact for several decades...
A New Coalition - Free printable reading with questions (PDF file) for high school United States History classes.
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Click here to print this worksheet. Answer Key: 1. Alf Landon; 2. B - False; 3. An ill-advised, unsuccessful attempt to enlarge the Supreme Court and a failed effort to "purge" increasingly recalcitrant Southern conservatives from the Democratic Party; 4. New Deal; 5. Lack of economic security; 6. Answers will vary.
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